ectopic pregnancy symptoms

Pregnant - yes or no? Read about the first signs of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy

Section removed Whether you get pregnant naturally or with the support of a fertility clinic, if you are trying to get pregnant, there is a lot of stress in every menstrual cycle - has it worked? Only a positive pregnancy test gives certainty. Sometimes it becomes obvious even before a woman skips a period. This is not surprising - when an egg is fertilized, the woman's entire body adapts to preserve and secure the growth of the new life.

Pregnant - yes or no? The first signs of pregnancy

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Hormone balance changes greatly during the early stages of pregnancy - and the first signs of pregnancy are similar to typical menstrual complaints: you may feel tired or have mood swings, your breasts may be sore and you may experience tension in your abdomen. A pregnancy test will give a reliable result only after a period has been skipped: from the fifth week of pregnancy, the body produces more and more "pregnancy hormone" hCG, which is verified with the pregnancy test.

Progressive pregnancy and typical pregnancy symptoms

A pregnancy is calculated from the first day of a complete menstrual cycle. For calculation purposes only, since ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle (for example, after the first two weeks of the cycle), a pregnancy is considered to begin with the third week of pregnancy.

Pregnant in the first trimester - weeks 1 to 12

The first three months of pregnancy are considered the critical time. The reason for this is that all the baby's organs and the entire nervous system are formed during the first trimester. The sex of the baby is already determined at the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. Between the fourth and eighth week of pregnancy, the neck, head and extremities of the embryo are formed, as well as the structures of the internal organs, the brain and the nervous system. By the end of the first trimester, the fingers, toes, eyes, ears and nose are fully formed. At the same time, the muscles and nervous system have developed to such an extent that the baby can perform specific movements in the womb.
Typical symptoms during the first trimester:
  • Constant fatigue, irritability
  • Constipation: The increase in the corpus luteum hormone progesterone slows down the metabolism, so that many women now feel listless and suffer from constipation.
  • Nausea: The infamous nausea during pregnancy that is triggered by the increased hCG level in the blood, often begins from the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy.
  • Dizziness due to the significantly increased blood production to near the placenta and embryo.
  • Mood swings as a result of the major hormonal changes.
  • Sensitivity to certain odors.

Pregnant in the second trimester - weeks 13 to 26

During the fourth month of pregnancy, the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy go away. The body parts of the baby are now fully designed and the focus is now on the "precision work": the metabolism is developed as well as the sucking and swallowing reflex and breathing movements. The baby is very active in the womb and exercises the muscles and nervous system. The heart can now also be heard clearly during an examination. At the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, the sex of the baby can usually be determined by ultrasound. Now begins the "fast" phase, during which movements and emotions develop further in the baby.
Typical symptoms during the second trimester:
  • The abdomen becomes round, the breasts grow significantly
  • The baby's first movements are felt between weeks 16 and 18 of pregnancy
  • Increased frequency of urination, as the growing uterus presses on the bladder
  • Shortness of breath due to increased blood volume
  • Heartburn, because the growing uterus presses on the stomach
  • Possible production of so-called colostrum (the first form of breast milk), triggered by increased levels of prolactin

Pregnant in the third trimester - weeks 27 to 40+

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby opens his eyes and nostrils. The immune system as well as the bronchi begin to work independently - the baby breathes the amniotic sac in and out to "practice". Thanks to modern medicine, the baby now has a good probability of surviving premature birth. From the eighth month of pregnancy, the development is mainly about allowing a protective layer of fat to grow. The baby's weight now increases by about 250 g per week. As there is less and less space in the uterus, the baby finally assumes the typical fetal position with the arms folded in front of the body.
Typical symptoms during the third trimester:
  • The abdomen and breasts continue to grow significantly
  • Increased frequency of urination, as the growing uterus presses on the bladder
  • Back pain, mainly due to loose ligaments and the extra weight
  • Numbness or tingling in the feet when the baby is lying on its back and pressing against the vena cava.
  • Sleep disorders
  • First false labor pains begin